Monday, November 24, 2008

Roma Day 1

So, I guess falling asleep at 7:30 last night wasn't the best idea since I've been awake since 3:30 this morning. Oh well, just gives me time to write a post on our first day in Rome.

We arrived quite early after taking an overnight flight. Those are just the worst. We decided to wear ourselves out that day so we could sleep that night, so we went to the Coliseum, Palatine Hill and the Forum. We took an audio tour since the sites were so full of history and we knew a book would never be enough to explain it all.

This photo doesn't need much explanation-its the floor of the Coliseum.These costumed warriors around the area cracked me up since they were all smoking cigarettes.
This is a very old church. You can say that about a lot of things in Europe, but this one is significant. I just don't remember why. Its quite beautiful though isn't it?
Afterwards we took a much needed nap, then walked from our hotel to the area around the Trevi Fountain. Rome was very walkable and when not walkable, the metro was cheap and easy to ride. We had a great meal that night, at a place suggested by the owners of our hotel. For me it was one of our most enjoyable meals. It was at a place called Il Chianti.
Throwing coins into the Trevi Fountain is good luck, only if you throw them over your shoulder.
This was not the best gelato we had, but I loved how they were served.

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