Monday, June 29, 2009

Food on the Fridge

I used to pride myself on my memory, but lordy has is left me in the last few years. I try to plan my meals out for the week and before the kitchen was redone, I had been posting them on a white board. That board no longer fits and beyond writing out meals, in truth I need help remembering what is in my fridge in general.

To help reduce spoilage and major brain fatigue caused by trying to come up with something to make after a long day, I covered our fridge in chalkboard contact paper. It was exceedingly easy to do, and isn't permanent in any way. I'm such a visual person and this helps me plan meals based on what I have, not what I think I need to get at the store.


Jennifer said...

Cool! Where did you get the chalkboard contact paper? I've heard of the paint, but this is brand new to me.

camby said...

I like it!

MsAmanda said...

I knew I wanted something chalkboard, but since we have textured walls I didn't think that would work.

I just did a search on Apartment Therapy and someone had recommended it. It was so easy!