Friday, January 30, 2009

Search for Lighthouse Blueprints

My friend Sarah was wondering I knew of any resources for lighthouse blueprints to frame in her newly repainted living room. Oh, how I love to research! So far I've only found three actual lighthouse blueprints for purchase as a print. I found the bottom two on eBay and the top one on a web site for the lighthouse. I'm going to keep looking for a maritime museum or lighthouse museum. Etsy had tons of pictures and prints, but no blueprints.

And cafepress has some interesting stuff, as always. Not interesting to purchase, but rather to look at and wonder why?

Nope, don't have lighthouse. Want lighthouse blueprint.


Jennifer said...

I love the internet and a challenge! After I read this post, I scoured the Web too for lighthouse blueprints. I couldn't find many; I think you did a very good job.

MsAmanda said...

there's a lot of lighthouse CRAP on the internet!