Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 Intentions

Well, I'm off for a few days to do something I haven't done in years: ski! In the meantime, I'm leaving you with my 2010 intentions. Ready?

  • Cook one new recipe each week and bake something new each week
  • Take a picture everyday (will have to find a new subject other than Mr. Micky Mick)
  • Paint upstairs rooms
  • Start thinking about, planning and ruminate in general about redoing our bathroom (it needs it all: painting, new plumbing, ventilation, storage added, rotten wainscoting removed, floor redone and last but not least, tile around the bathtub)
  • Landscaping! Must to tame the jungle that is our yard
  • Container gardening, composting and adding a rain barrel
  • Sewing class
  • Holdover from 2009, eat more veggies
  • Be the bigger person. I think I'm pretty good about not showing my frustration with people, but I know I can find new ways to go about it


beartifix said...

Hey! I am taking a sewing class starting January 11th. You should sign up with me!

Also, for a good container gardening resource, check out "You Grow Girl" - I have the book. You can also check out the author's blog ( - it's full of awesome resources.

We have a lot of the same 2010 intentions. Let's see how we do. :)

Unknown said...

Start the New Year with a great new tool that I found this year, 2009, and would be great to add to that "hot new tools" list! We found a way to clean our rain gutters inside and out that gives our home more curb appeal for 2010. Two new tools, one called Marxoff that is easy to use from the ground to clean the outside of the gutter and make it look like new. The other tool vacuums the inside of our gutters, also while you stay safely on the ground. Its called Gutter Clutter Buster. Both of these terrific easy to use tools can be purchased on-line at their respective web sites. Make 2010 a year for easier cleaning and enjoy more time doing something fun and smile more often.